We went up super early to have some oatmeal before we went down to the harbour. There was a ferry in the harbour taking us to the start at Fantahåla in Lysefjorden.

It was an amazing sunrise and we started with a jump from the ferry. The first swim was around 950 meters and the the fun had started. Uphill, uphill, uphill, uphill. Hard to run in the beginning. After the harder uphill we could start to run.

It was small and tricky trails and the coming swims was short and fast. After a while we came to a 4400m run up to Preikestolen. This was super cool and when we came up it was like running on clouds. Fanny had some problems with breathing but otherwise everything felt ok. We had a steady pace, no stress.

When we were running down we met a lot of the other teams. It was many teams, around 50. We also met some followers that send us pictures after.
The hard part starts when it goes steep down and there’s a lot of rocks. Teams where passing us and Fanny was crying because she was a little scared downhill. We took it easy and were happy when it was time for swimming again. We came to a 1600m swim that felt awesome.

After the swim we came to a seaside sprint. This is not a sprint. It’s really tricky trails. We were taking it easy and we met a team that thinked we were racing about the 7 th place. Oh nooo… we answered. We are just happy to do this race and we’re not focusing on any place. We stayed and took some energy together with the other team and then we ran uphill again. It was asfalt and we ran- walked- ran. We were wondering if we were on the right way but a quick look at the watch and we could relax. We had the map in our watches so we colud see that we were on the right track. A really good thing.
On the longest road uphill ever we met some girls that was sharing on their men and had water and candy for us. Thanks! Now it was just some kilometres to next swimming when we should cross the big fjord to Flørli and take the famous 4444 steps up the mountain.

The swim was 1700 meters over, the water was pretty warm and it felt easy. When we started to walk up the steps, we should have taken more water with us because it was hot. We walked, walked and walked to get to the top. It took us almost one hour. When we reached the top it was time to swim. Amazing swim and the water tasted so good. We had some cool running on the top and amazing swims before it was time to run the 5k downhill. First there was an easy road and then small trials and in the end super tricky trails. The last 1k felt like it took forever.
We made it! Super happy and our bodies felt so much better than we thought. 8 hours and 57 min. 7th place in total and second place in mixed teams.

Read more about our weekend in Norway HERE.
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